Posted by: jprice91 | February 8, 2010

February 8th through 12th

Hello Students and Parents,

First off, let me compliment you on the Lewis and Clark journals – the majority of them are outstanding.  I do not usually hand out the A’s in such large batches, but, as a group, you did outstanding work.

A few of you had issues with putting the journals in your own words – remember, this was a creative writing assignment using primary and secondary sources.  If you need to rewrite your journal, you will see an incomplete on your rubric and in the grade book.

We spent some time last week on the Missouri Compromise, Kansas-Nebraska Act, and some foundational information about Westward Expansion.  This week, we will begin a group presentation on one of si aspects of Westward Expansion.  In most classes, you will be able to choose your groups of three.  I will then be assigning you your category for research and study.

Monday we will begin going over project expectations and presentation guidelines.  The rest of the week is dedicated to research, information gathering, and beginning to outline your assignment.  Helpful Websites will be up on my blog by mid-week.

See you in class!

– Mr. Price

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